How to select excellent Rice Machine and Layout Planning

The main diet of nearly 65% of India’s population is rice. To remove rice from it, it has to be processed. The crushing of rice is the process through which its husk and bran are separated from the grains of paddy, which gives the polished rice. It is one of the oldest professions of India and its turnover is more than 25,500 crore rupees per year.

Rice Machine and Layout Planning

The main diet of nearly 65% of India’s population is rice. To remove rice from it, it has to be processed. The crushing of rice is the process through which its husk and bran are separated from the grains of paddy, which gives the polished rice.

It is one of the oldest professions of India and its turnover is more than 25,500 crore rupees per year. Das is processing 8.5 million tons of paddy every year. More than 60% of the country’s population receives grains and other valuable products from the main food grains. Danes are mixed with rice grains or boiled rice. Apart from this, a large number of unregistered alluring units also exist in the country.

Rice, the staple food of the Asian continent, can be stored in the shell until it should be used as food. At that stage, a Rice Mill Plant can remove the hard husk and polish the grain. This system makes it possible to keep the mill in operation throughout the year, provided that paddy rice stocks are available. Traditional rice processing, in essence, does not compete with mechanical milling, so mill owners will not have an impact on the local balance of labor, even though dietary habits may be affected.

While it is possible to choose between different types of Rice Mill Layout, the national preferences may determine that the best option is an under-runner disc mill or a mill with rubber rollers or an Engberg type mill. Often the choice depends on the ability to share existing knowledge and experience, as well as the speed with which practical skills can be obtained to support the operation in the event of problems. For example, the “under-runner” disk mill is very popular in the Indian subcontinent.

On the other hand, there is some pressure to adopt the Rice Mill Design with rubber rollers, since the latter throws a smaller amount of broken grains. In the absence of such preferences or limitations, the author would suggest that the Engberg mill is the best alternative for processing on a rural scale. This mill has a relatively low cost, is firm and easy to repair. Likewise, has few moving parts subject to wear and produces an acceptable quality of rice.

Finally, the knowledge necessary to operate and maintain this machine is not difficult to obtain. Only the smallest domestic machines are operated manually; others run on a diesel engine, which can be a significant brake on some locations. If we consider that the approximate cost of a new engine and mill is the US $ 3 000, a very high sum for a subsistence farmer, it is clear that it is necessary to plan carefully. Large producers.

In general, farmers have been the potential target market for Rice Mill Consultant, since they have the opportunity to evaluate the added value of processing the grain and, also, can install this machinery in their farms without major complications. They can build a small facility and hire someone or resort to a family member to operate the mill.

On the other hand, they can reassign part of their usual tasks to concentrate on processing, a task that requires operation and administration skills. It is likely that most farmers want to keep an article that represents such a large investment under their personal control- a task that requires operational and management skills.


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