Beware! A New Breed Of Chinese Rice Is Here

In our previous blog, we talked about Red rice and its benefits. It may have been very informative for you considering that breed of rice is not popular. You are only aware of White rice, brown rice, parboiled rice, etc.

In our previous blog, we talked about Red rice and its benefits. It may have been very informative for you considering that breed of rice is not popular. You are only aware of White rice, brown rice, parboiled rice, etc. Today, we will be discussing another new variety of rice grain that has just hit the market and has left the consumers shell-shocked when they discovered what it actually is.

Now before I proceed further, let me tell you something. This new breed or rice is nowhere ordinary. In fact, not even a grain. It’s plastic! Yes. The trending commodity that has worried the buyers is the circulation of plastic rice. I know you must be wondering how come plastic is not differentiable from normal rice. You see, this is the tricky part. The hard work that has been done behind manufacturing this lookalike is genuinely commendable because the rice isn’t literally made of plastic. It’s plastic in the sense it’s fake. That’s why; it is also called as fake rice or Chinese Rice.

Manufactured in China, made from potatoes and sweet potatoes, the concoction is moulded with synthetic resin into the shape of actual rice. It is reported that this stuff has successfully made its way into numerous countries (including us obviously) where the rural population is significantly larger than the rest. And people aren’t able to differentiate it with the natural grain.

A petition has been filed in Supreme Court stating a real-time testing to be done and requisite action to be taken afterward when verified because if this is what we are consuming every day then sooner or later we will be doomed. Till the time something happens from the government’s side, there are methods that are figured to identify the fake rice and protect yourself from getting harmed which we will discuss in our following blog. Till then, stay tuned to Nextech Agri Solutions.


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