Rice Re-Processing Solutions | Nextech Agri Solutions

Nextech Grain Processing & Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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In modern day Rice Mill Business, especially among rice exporters and domestic players with their own brands, the Rice Re-Processing and blending has become an important part of modern rice mills. While producing different types of rice in their milling units, the rice is bound to break and the percentage of brokens depends on many factors viz; variety of paddy, moisture of paddy, type of rice being made, etc.. apart from the full rice kernel, which is called the head rice or “wand” in trade, the broken rice has been categorized in further following categories for Basmati paddy :-

Wand – is the full grain i.e. the head rice with average length of 7.2mm

Second wand – average length about 6.5 mm

Tibar – it is the 3/4th grain , average length about 5.6 mm

Dubar – it is the half grain, average length about 4.8 mm

Mogra – average length 4 mm

Kinki – average length 2.6 mm

Nakku – average length 1.2 mm

These fractions may vary in different paddy varieties but needs to graded for length from the mixed brokens produced during milling process. Since these fractions are also packed in brands, these need to be packed separately. With ever increasing volumes, millers are bound to have separate rice re-processing/ grading units to meet the market demand. This type of a unit solves dual purpose, not only own brokens, but unfinished rice from open market can be purchased and processed and sold in their own brands and second, in case of bulk orders when the Milling Plant capacity falls short, such plants can be used to process, blend and re-pack the head rice (after purchasing unfinished rice from small millers).