Pre-cleaning and Modern Cleaning Process of Grains

Pre-cleaning and Modern Cleaning Process of Grains

Cleaning has always been an integral part of rice milling. It helps you remove unwanted materials from the paddy, such as husks, chaff, soil, and stones. Besides, it increases the overall quality of processed rice as well as the storability of rice. Earlier the traditional methods were used, such as drying in the open, tossing and winnowing which were ineffective in cleaning the grain. This resulted in the development of new methods for cleaning and pre-cleaning. 


When paddy comes into the mill from farmers, it contains lots of foreign materials, such as weed seeds, soil, rubbish, and other non-grain materials. 

Pre-cleaning helps remove these materials to improve the efficiency of huller and milling recovery. No removal of these can result in damage to the machinery by blocking the bin outlets. The grains are passed via a sieve drum and are rotated in a sieve cylinder. The brush attached in the sieve cylinder keeps cleaning it. The product flows over the magnet installed in it which functions as a speed breaker to remove dust and impurities. The grain is separated according to their sizes with the help of separators. The aspiration channel emits the soil with the help of the connection pipe. The pre-cleaner consists of circular, drum pre-cleaner and clobber.

Modern Cleaning

Modern cleaning includes a colour sorting process to separate white and contaminated black grains which were earlier used by a durum processor. With the technological advancement and fitting of high-resolution cameras, the grains can be quickly inspected in a broader spectrum to subtle the impurities. Nowadays, UV rays sorting technologies are being used to check foreign materials as they offer better light density. These machines have the potential to provide more output than traditional cleaning methods, thereby improving the overall output quantity. The next step is insecticide treatments and cleaning of premises to destroy the insects before they damage the food. 

If you’re looking to improve the quality and quantity of the yield, cleaning and pre-cleaning are a must. If you’re still not sure about the modern cleaning and pre-cleaning processes, it is recommended to hire rice mill consultants to advise you until you’re confident about it. 

Nextech Agri Solutions are one of the leading Rice Mill Consultants in India who can help you with everything in rice mill plant design. From rice mill plant design to modern cleaning and pre-cleaning processing of grain, they can help you run the Rice Mill Business effectively. 


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